Somerset Berkley Regional High School
World Languages
We, the staff of the World Language Department of Somerset Berkley Regional High School, feel that students should be exposed to learning a language other than their native tongue as early as possible in their formal education. Students benefit in a positive way from the exposure to the linguistics as well as the cultural aspects of the target language. They learn to understand consequences and what is practical. They discover what is good for their well-being and become aware of the cultural diversity that exists around them. During their interactions in the target language students explore the world and adapt to it. They learn that they need more than their native language to effectively communicate with members of other cultures and as a result demonstrate pride and respect for themselves and others.
We also believe that exposing students to a foreign language as early as possible in their academic lives allows them to develop a certain level of fluency over time. Students are introduced to the second language through the use of a variety of methods including authentic materials. Students learn to read, write and communicate effectively in the target language. The skills acquired through the consistent use of the target language allow the students to use the second language as a natural way to communicate with others. In addition, students explore, develop, and express their creativity through various outlets. When students realize that they are able to communicate in a target language, their confidence and their critical thinking skills increase.
Our aim is to develop communicative skills, promote cultural awareness as well as the ability of the students to compare and contrast their own culture and language with those of the target language they are studying. Through their study of the language, students become global citizens and lifelong learners.
Therefore, it is important to us that the communities serviced by the Somerset School System and SBRHS embrace and support this philosophy for the benefit of their children and young adults.